With the little time and extra effort on me that made a difference yesterday at Prime Time. I walked in the door and the guy who greets you (the father of Billys friend) saw me and said first thing.....we are having meat loaf today. Ha ha I complained so much in the past about the food and said I loved American Food like Meatloaf....the squeaky wheel gets the attention.
I had decided before I got there to change my seating. You can sit anywhere you want. Eight to a table and beautifully decorated. I'd enclose photo if I knew how. This was the once a month Happy Birthday for Septembers BD's. Fourteen of us.
Stopped by the refreshment table for coffee. They have fresh fruit and sweets and coffee, tea.
The table I first saw was with these two gentlemen and I stopped and said, "Have you been sitting here since last spring?" They always sit in the same place and always look the same. They smiled and said 'Yes". Anyway they invited me to share their table so I did. I asked where they were born, what month was their BD, and they were friendly. I said my BD was in September and I came to the party to celebrate. The one gentleman leaned forward and asked me "How old are you?" Age gives you privileges. I told him 81. He thought I looked pretty good for that age and that he was 79.
Then a young man who is a caretaker for one of the regulars that come here stopped by. I've talked to him before. He is from the Philippine Is. Has a college degree in accounting. His brother sponsored him to get into this country. He is a delight to talk to. I had encouraged him the first time we met to keep a journal. And we have talked about this each time we met. He says he does keep one now. He has lived in other countries. Sorry I can't remember the one he just mentioned as it was in Europe but not one I could image anyone wanting to go live in. I'll ask again when I see him again. Any way he sat down next to me and the two other gentlemen and we all talked light talk. He inquired if I ever ask people what church you belong to. As I do talk to strangers. I said no. I don't feel any one church is the 'only' church. All religions offer something and God just happens to have a different name. He smiled and said he felt that way too. So we talked for a while about that.
He really impresses me. Always dressed casual but well groomed. He moves around the room and talks to others. So friendly. Not sure what age but probably forty. Older I get the harder it is to guess anyones age. smile. These caretakers who come with their companions are well trained I learned. They know CPR, and know how to be a practical nurse. Also cook. He is always interesting to talk to. Not just because his life is interesting but he shows interest and asks questions. So anyway another caretaker, a young woman, and her ward joined our table.
Changing tables yesterday was a good idea. I had always sit with Elvira Lynn and when she was no longer coming I just stayed at the same table. And the same people were very nice and we all knew each other so didn't seem to need to look for others. Or no reason to change tables. But change is good once in a while.
Saw Candy and she told me the St Raymond church had started up the five dollar Friday night Fish Fries up again. She is so friendly. She had fallen and had a bad bruise on her face. Also stopped and talk to Bobbie, she was in the Grandmothers club and good friend of Elvira. Saw and chatted with others. Visited the Free table. Some books but small print so I have lost interest in some books. Did pick up two frames, 4x6. I did pick up the Sept 2010 issue of Sunset. Gave it to Mark. Got my Blood Pressure and the nurse said how good it was. 115/67 and Pulse 76 So I guess I'm still alive.
The two gentlemen got up and said they had the job of putting water on all the tables just before the food was served. One pushes the cart and the other places the water.
The food was served at twelve. There was no entertainment yesterday. The Meatloaf and mashed potatoes with gravy was delicious and then for dessert Angel Food Cake with ice cream and one beautiful Strawberry on top.
The tables all have fresh flowers on them and at the end the birthday people were give them to take home. Usually a number is drawn 1 through 8 and the winning number gets the flowers.
You of course picked me up which I appreciate. But I may see about taking the bus this winter. If I keep going.
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