And today we are having April Showers with some left over March wind. Love it. My kind of day!
Went to Prime Time today. It is a senior group that meets in a church on Tuesday mornings. Been going there over ten years. Off and on. Live entertainment this morning.....a senior group of tap dancers in full customs Very short skirts on the ladies and I envied their lovely legs. And no one limped...no signs of any pain or aging except for their 'grandmother' faces. They changed three different times and were on for an hour. At one point an alarm went off and the lights also went out. I said, "We're being raided."......but there is a Christian School here and they were having a fire drill. Be the time we were told what was going on it was too late to get out of the building if there had been a fire so they told us to stay seated.
Joined a group playing Mahjong and I asked if I could sit and watch. First thing I knew I was playing. It is a fun game. Like cards but with tiles and different markings. Two men, both really funny and lively and a lady who has been my friend for a long time. I didn't win but will play again.
Had lunch and went home. Was still raining. Daryl picked me up.
Saw my California Golden Poppies as we drove up to the house. They where curled up and sleeping. I got the message. I went in and went to bed and watched news on tv until I fell asleep.
So goes my lovely day.
My new client called today and I was to met her tomorrow and pick up the key to her house at 5:30 but she had called to ask me if we could meet at nine am instead. Better for me. So will do that tomorrow.
Daryl told me today that Billy, grandson, is planning to visit from Ireland in May. That s exciting news. And also my nephew is coming over for a bar b que in May and we will share more family history with him. And another pet sitting job the last week in May.
So when do I have time to work on family history and tell my stories. When I'm working, of course, on lap top. Love the fact we know my great great grandmother traveled with five children from Virginia to West Virginia right after the Civil War all alone in a covered wagon.
Also am planning on starting a notebook with a page for each relative and making notes when I remember something about them and just keep adding. I try to remember their birthdays each year and try to celebrate and remember them.
My Life History will be titled "I've Always Lived With Strangers".
now to get busy..........
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