Wanted to go for a walk yesterday. First thought of Central Park. But we always go there. Then I thought about the small Dublin cemetery. So I asked Daryl if he would like to go and he said yes. We stopped at Cost Plus in
Pleasanton first. They are having a big sale. Besides I just like to walk through that store and see all their unusual items. I did end up buying a wind catcher....round top and long strands of bright colored thin ribbons. It is now hanging in the tree outside my bed room window. The wind is playing with it. Daryl found a witch and some other small items.
Then on over to the Cemetery. Trees not changing color very fast this year. Large OLD tress in this Cemetery. I walked the flat path and since we seem to come here more often names are beginning to be familiar. Some graves do get visitors as there where gifts not just of flowers but pumpkins. That made me smile. If graves are visited there are still people close who remember them.
As we left I turned an gave a last look and said I'll be back.
The cemetery, to me, was a much more quiet and restful walk and visit than the large perfect park.
The weather was comfortable as it was not too hot nor too cold. But not really a fall feeling yet. I suddenly felt like a Root beer Float. Daryl said 'Wendy's'.....yep. So we stopped and went in and enjoyed a peaceful Float. Not crowed, just a few people.
Then I mentioned stopping at a Thrift Store. Not that I was looking for anything but just fun to look. Went to the one in Danville as their prices are more reasonable and they seem to have more variety of items. I did find a Tape of Duets by Frank Sinatra. And only one dollar. So my day was complete. Daryl found some books and other small items.
So this was a lovely October Day for a Walk and Shop.